Monthly Archives: March 2020

How to Avoid Passport Revocation by the IRS

Dateline: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Governments around the world have increasingly been imposing restrictions on both citizenship and obtaining an actual passport to travel on. From Canada’s creation of “second class citizens” to President Trump’s denaturalization of US citizens to a wide range of countries’ imposition of new requirements to qualify for the mere right to […]

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Tourism Developments in Belize—Implications for Real Estate Investors

Tourism is becoming an increasingly significant part of the global economy, generating nearly 10.4% of the entire world’s GDP and generating nearly 319 million jobs worldwide. Much of this growth is attributed to the development of countries in South and Central America—like Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, among others. Other smaller nations are also beginning to […]

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Turnkey Rentals in Fortaleza, Brazil

Brazil has traditionally led the Americas with respect to the revenues generated from tourist activities. Last year, the country generated $5.8 billion from the sector—coming second only to Argentina that has maintained its lead amongst its Latin American competitors for years now.  Recognizing the potential to generate massive revenues for the economy, the Brazilian government […]

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How to Hire the Best Expat Tax Service for Americans

Dateline: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia When it comes to US taxes for expats, I’ve always been very clear: you need an international tax professional. Whether you work overseas and claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, have foreign investments that provide an income, or have offshore companies, you need someone specialized in the international world of US […]

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Setting Up an IBC In Belize—The Financial Potentials

To understand the advantages of creating an offshore corporation we must think of corporations as financial entities that have to comply with financial legislation. Just as individuals are nationals of certain countries, corporations and companies are also considered citizens of the state they’re formed in. It becomes a lot easier to understand why people create […]

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Getting Out Before the Crash… 5 Secrets to Spot Market Tops

International Man: Markets have extreme emotions. They can go from irrational exuberance—where it seems everyone is swinging from the chandeliers—to a bottom-of-the-barrel bear market where people don’t even want to look at the business section. Why is assessing the psychology of the market so important? Doug Casey: The market, as Warren Buffett has pointed out, […]

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Can a Felon Get a Passport?

Dateline: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The freedom to return to or depart any country, including one’s own, is a fundamental human right. Human rights aside, actually leaving your country may not be so easy for some people. That’s because obtaining a passport is technically a privilege, not a right, and as such your government can deny […]

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Obeisance to the “Greater Good”

Most people in the West are familiar with the biblical story of Moses. In this tale, a spiritual leader, chosen by God, leads his people out of Egypt to the promised land. The Israelites are saved. God provides Moses with a list of commandments that they are to live by – pretty basic stuff: Don’t […]

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