Monthly Archives: January 2021

COVID Tests Gone Wild—An Epidemic of COVID Positive Tests

Editor’s Note: In the setting of COVID-19, almost every country in the world closed its borders, locked down its citizens, and forced businesses to close. Today, most governments still restrict travel, economic activity, and social gatherings. The justification for these unprecedented measures has been a growing number of COVID-19 cases. This has unleashed an epidemic […]

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EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey: My Book Review

Dateline: Belgrade, Serbia Today, I’m going to share with you what – in my opinion as a lifetime entrepreneur – may just be the best business book I’ve ever read.  And no, it’s not my own book Nomad Capitalist.  However, if you apply the tactics in my favorite business book, you’ll have a lot more […]

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Doug Casey on Whether the US Dollar is Headed for an Inflationary or Deflationary Collapse

International Man: In the past decade, the Fed’s money printing has created bubbles in stocks, bonds, real estate, and other many areas. It’s likely that the stimulus and money printing will not only continue but accelerate at breathtaking speeds in 2021. What do you think the prospects are for what the great Austrian economist Ludwig […]

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How to Start a Business with No Money or Experience

Dateline: Belgrade, Serbia Starting a business from scratch can be a challenge. Continuing to grow that business and become successful can be even more challenging. It takes a certain mindset to become a successful businessman or entrepreneur. The good news is that the mindset is more important than the money or the experience. I started […]

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The Coconut And Its Importance To Belize

Belize and its idyllic postcard images of swaying coconut palms are synonymous with this beautiful and useful tree that played an important role in human evolution, nutrition and migration. The coconut was once a dominant export product as copra in Belize, and still plays an important role in everyday Belizean life in Belize and with […]

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The Frogs Will Boil Themselves

There’s a well-known old fable that describes a frog being boiled alive. It states that if a frog is dropped in boiling water, it will hop out. But if it’s placed in lukewarm water, it will be comfortable. Then, if the heat is turned up slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be […]

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The New Travel Hacking For Nomad Capitalists

Dateline: Belgrade, Serbia For years, I spent a lot of time and effort making sure I collected every mile, every point, and every travel reward to make sure that I got as much free travel as possible. I was obsessed with travel hacks.  Now, after years of being the Nomad Capitalist, I’ve adopted a new […]

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David Stockman on Janet Yellen’s Return and the Financial Storm Ahead…

Janet Yellen is back. Naturally, the follies of Keynesian central banking come to mind. In many ways, Yellen’s tenure as Fed chairman was far worse than Ben Bernanke’s. At least Bernanke’s money-printing madness was undergirded by his credentials as a misguided scholar of the Great Depression and the mistaken conclusion that the Wall Street meltdown […]

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