Monthly Archives: April 2020

A Guide to Living in Fortaleza, Brazil

Fortaleza has long since been considered the tourist capital of Brazil, surpassing even the major cities of Rio and Sau Paulo with respect to the number of people coming in. In recent years, owing to the boom of tourism to South America, Fortaleza has been seen to lead the charge with huge numbers of domestic […]

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The Lesson of a Crash that Cured Itself

Editor’s Note: Doug Casey’s longtime friend Wendy McElroy is a Canadian individualist feminist and anarcho-capitalist writer. She was a co-founder along with Carl Watner and George H. Smith of The Voluntaryist magazine in 1982 and is the author of a number of books. Today, we share her insightful piece on the coronavirus lock down and […]

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4 Corporate Tax Systems for Offshore Companies

Dateline: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Someone recently sent us a message on social media saying that, after listening to all the good things I’ve said about Georgia over the years, they’ve decided to incorporate their business there. What a terrible idea. The problem is that people see me talking about one particular country and they take […]

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Welcome to the Greater Depression

There are a lot of questions people are asking themselves today. Among them: How serious is this economic downturn likely to be? How long will it last? How can it be ended? Whose fault is it? The answers to these questions being given by pundits, economists, money honeys, and politicians are, almost without exception, totally […]

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FAQs About US Citizenship Renunciation

Dateline: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Our YouTube videos and articles generate a lot of questions about US citizenship renunciation. What is the process? What does it entail? How does it change your lifestyle? Where do you have to be to renounce? We’ve already covered many different aspects of the renunciation process in other articles on our website. […]

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The New and Improved Propaganda

Adolf Hitler and his Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, took great pride in their campaign to instill fear in the German people between 1933 and 1945. They understood that the strongest and most renewable emotion in mankind is fear, and that, once a people have been won over by fear, there’s very little that you […]

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Belize And Covid-19

Like most countries around the world, Belize has reported the presence of COVID-19. Unlike most countries, Belize has the lowest confirmed cases – three. Two of these cases were imported from the United States of America in February. The infection rate is so low that hundreds of people from countries where the pandemic has wrought […]

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Can You Get a Second Passport with a Criminal Record?

Dateline: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Getting a passport from your home country can be difficult enough with a criminal record; becoming a dual citizen and obtaining a second passport with a criminal record can seem downright impossible. The reason should be obvious: no country wants to naturalize or otherwise grant citizenship to a convicted criminal. Not […]

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The Real Reason for the New Cold War with Russia… What it Means for the Markets and World Peace

Editor’s Note: Vladimir Pozner is Russia’s most influential TV political-talk-show host, journalist and broadcaster. Pozner has hosted several shows on Russian television, where he has interviewed famous figures such as Hillary Clinton, Alain Delon, President Dimitri Medvedev and Sting. Pozner has appeared on a wide range of networks, including NBC, CBS, CNN and the BBC. […]

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